If you’re currently studying towards obtaining your RCSFE qualification, you most likely already know how precious your time is, especially if you’re also working at a part-time job. It may feel as though you simply don’t have enough hours in your day to study, work and still get enough leisure time and rest in as well. However, there are a few time management tips that will help you survive your time as a medical student.
Make the Most of your Planner
If you don’t have a daily, weekly and monthly planner by now, it’s time to get one because this will provide you with a way to plan each day and see a basic overview of what needs to be done next.
You can get started with using your planner by writing in all of your lecture and exam dates in the monthly section. From there, move to the week you’re currently in and add the info to this section as well. This will allow you to review your weekly layout at a glance every night and plan the next day accordingly. Scheduling your day by the hour will allow you to get a lot more done – provided that you remain focused.
Multitasking can be your Friend
Although multitasking is not always a good idea, there are times when it can come in extremely handy – especially for time-starved medical students. Here are some practical ways in which you can consider multitasking:
- Prep meals in advance – This will not only save you time; you’ll save money by not grabbing takeout at mealtimes as well. Plan shopping trips in such a way that you have ingredients on hand to prepare a few meals instead of one at a time, and then freeze some of the portions
- Consider recording lectures to listen to them a later stage – Listening to class lectures again while you’re out walking or traveling to and from classes could enable you to hear something that you may have missed during class
- Study with a few friends – it is possible to social distance while studying in person, so think about befriending a few classmates and planning study sessions together. This will give you some much needed social time, while still getting some learning in
Procrastination is your Worst Enemy
It’s common for most students to put off studying until such time as it cannot be delayed anymore, and this puts you under a lot more stress than necessary. Learning to stop procrastinating may be difficult, but getting into the habit of doing everything as soon as it needs to be done will go a long way in helping you to manage your time more effectively.
Although being a medical student is extremely demanding of your time, you need not experience more stress than necessary if you plan ahead and stick with your schedule. In fact, having each hour of your day planned ahead will help you get far more accomplished than you thought possible.