How to Customize an SMLE Question Bank Platform for the Perfect Personalized Experience

There are dozens of different options for SMLE question banks available to medical students, but not all of them can offer a customizable experience that’s best suited to your individual needs. Here’s how you can utilize CanadaQBank’s innovative platform to completely customize your SMLE qbank to suit your goals and needs.

Use Tutor Mode First

CanadaQBank offers two unique study options: timed and tutor modes. Timed mode is designed to represent a real testing environment by giving you a set amount of time to answer a set number of questions. Though it is good for judging your knowledge, it can be a stressful way to spend all of your study time and is meant more for assessing yourself. Tutor mode allows you to take your time to answer questions. You can immediately see if your answer was correct, and you’ll get an explanation if it isn’t. You can take your own notes in Tutor mode, too, which is helpful.

Save Questions to “My Questions”

The questions that you miss during your Tutor mode study time can be placed in a separate section in the platform called “My Questions”. This area can hold any number of questions that you would like to come back and review or revise later down the line. In fact, you can study only the questions you’ve moved into this section of the platform until you’ve mastered them, and then move on to something else in a cycle. You can leave notes for these questions if you choose, too, which allows for impressive, customized learning.

Select Your Difficulty

CanadaQBank makes it easy for you to choose the right difficulty for your needs during your study sessions, too. If you’re a new medical student who wants to make the most of the platform as a study tool throughout your education, choose “Easy” for access to some simpler questions that will help introduce you to the software and how things work. Later, as you study and become more confident in your ability to answer the “Easy” questions, you can move into “Average”. Finally, before your big exam, you can start to study the “Difficult” questions. There’s also a setting that will allow you to study a mix of these difficulties.

Use Video to Your Advantage

CanadaQBank is dedicated to providing medical students with the best possible resources to help them obtain their medical licenses, and because of this, they offer outstanding multimedia content in the form of videos. During Tutor mode – as you study – you can access videos that provide instruction and in-depth explanations for certain topics. Incorporating this new way to learn helps to keep things fresh and may help you avoid burnout in the long run, too. Check out the CanadaQBank YouTube channel for a list of helpful videos that you can watch any time you choose.

As you can see, it’s easy to personalize your SMLE question bank when you choose CanadaQBank as your platform. With timed and tutor modes, the “My Questions” feature, the ability to select your difficulty, and access to multimedia options to keep your study sessions fresh and interesting, it’s possible to create the study session that benefits you the most in minutes.