The 5 Best Medical Test Taking Tips for 2019

Preparing for an exam is one thing, but actually preparing yourself to sit down and take one of the most intense exams you’ll ever take in your life is something else entirely. Here, you’ll learn five of the best tips from the experts for taking medical exams like a pro.

#1 – Maximize Your Study Time

Making your test day the best it can be all starts with studying. Make sure that you start studying for your exam early on, and to get the most out of your time, use programs and tools that allow you to take mock exams and review your incorrect answers. Not only does this help get you in the right frame of mind for answering the questions on the actual medical exam, but it also puts the information you need most in front of you and helps to ensure your overall success on the real test.

#2 – Get Plenty of Rest the Night Before

Though it may seem beneficial to stay up late and study the things that have been giving you trouble, getting a good night’s sleep is even more important. In fact, studies have proven that better sleep improves academic success. By staying up late and getting fewer than seven to nine hours of sleep, your mind will not be as clear as it could be on test day, which can lead to reading comprehension issues and silly mistakes you may not otherwise make.

#3 – Eat a Good Breakfast (and Plan a Good Lunch)

Food is fuel for the body and the mind, so even if you’re feeling butterflies in your stomach, make sure you eat a well-balanced breakfast. Ideally, it should contain an excellent source of protein such as meat or Greek yogurt, and it should also contain a good source of complex carbohydrates that will help keep you satisfied and energetic until lunch. If your test lasts several hours and you will have a lunch break between, be sure to pack a meal that closely mimics breakfast. Fast food can be tempting, but a balanced meal is far better for your brain.

#4 – Wake Up Early to Prepare

Another excellent tip involves waking yourself up early the day of the test and taking your time to prepare. Rather than giving yourself an hour to get dressed, eat, and travel to the testing area, try to give yourself two or even three. Plan what you’ll eat for breakfast the night before, and perhaps lay out what you will wear before you go to bed, too. This will help reduce the number of decisions you have to make in the morning and may aid your overall focus.

#5 – One Question at a Time

When faced with an important exam, many people feel overwhelmed by the sheer volume of questions they must answer in the allotted time. Rather than allowing yourself to stress out and start reading ahead, focus on the question in front of you until you have the right answer. By giving the question or problem on the screen all of your undivided attention, the odds of making a mistake or getting the wrong answer are much, much lower.

Many of the best test-taking tips for 2019 involve the time leading up to the test rather than the test itself. After all, the things you do before the exam will have the biggest impact. Be sure that you’re as prepared as you can be, and make sure that you take care of your body and mind, too. These things will keep your brain sharp and allow you to perform much better on test day.