USMLE Step 2 CK Exam Dates 2025

USMLE Step 2 CK Exam Dates 2025

The United States Medical Licensure Examination Step 2 CK (Clinical Knowledge) is the second step in the bid to become licensed to practice medicine in the United States. In contrast to Step 1, which focuses on your knowledge of foundational biosciences, Step 2 CK was created to test if you possess sufficient medical knowledge and skills as well as an understanding of clinical sciences and practices. The goal of the exam is not to see if you can memorise vast information about the body and pathologies, but if you understand them in the practical context, you are also tested on your basic patient-centred skills.

The Step 2 CK exam is jointly administered by the National Board of Medical Examiners and the Federation of State Medical Boards. It specifically assesses your capacity to make sound clinical decisions and to integrate your multi-disciplinary knowledge, reflecting real-world patient care scenarios. The exam is usually taken during the third or fourth year of medical school by U.S medical students. It is designed to ensure that all who take it possess the clinical competency required to practice medicine in the U.S healthcare system safely.

Step 2 CK bridges the gap between foundational sciences (Step 1) and practical, supervised patient care. Before 2020, the Step 2 exam consisted of both the CK and Clinical Sciences (CS) exams; however, due to COVID-19, it was paused in 2020 before being permanently terminated in 2021. Scores for Step 2 are given in a 3-digit format, and 2022 saw a change in the pass score from 209 to 214. Getting a strong score during this exam is essential for residency applications as it shows your clinical acumen and readiness for patient-centred roles in residency training.

Exam format and structure

Step 2 CK is a nine-hour computer-based exam that takes place in a single day. It is a multiple-choice exam of 318 questions divided into eight 60-minute blocks, with each block not having more than 40 questions. The exam allows for a 45-minute break and gives 15 minutes for a tutorial that experienced candidates may choose to skip. You can get extra time for breaks if you finish a section early or have the 15 minutes from the optional tutorial added.

Step 2 CK is structured around a comprehensive and integrated content outline, categorising material into 18 major groups. These categories are designed to reflect concepts and principles that span multiple organ systems or are specific to individual ones. The exam includes questions from various disciplines, such as internal medicine, obstetrics and gynaecology, paediatrics, preventive medicine, psychiatry, surgery, and other fields essential for supervised patient care.

The test challenges candidates to apply their knowledge in practical ways, often requiring the interpretation of complex data. You may encounter tasks involving the analysis of tables, laboratory results, diagnostic imaging, or photographs of pathological specimens at both gross and microscopic levels. Other diagnostic studies are also integrated into the exam to assess your ability to synthesise information and make informed clinical decisions.

Important dates for 2025

Similar to Step 1, there is no set date for the Step 2 CK exam; rather, you select a three-month window in which you would like to write the exam. Step 2 is offered worldwide, and the location where you choose to write the exam will determine the available dates that will be given to you. It will be up to you to pick the day that works for you. Applying and scheduling the exam early increases your chances of securing your preferred test date and location; the catch is you can’t book more than six months in advance.

How to register

Contrary to popular opinion, you can apply for the Step 2 CK exam without writing the Step 1 exam. First, you must register through the appropriate entity. U.S and Canadian medical students should register with the National Board of Medical Examiners (NBME), while International medical graduates register through the Educational Commission for Foreign Medical Graduates (ECFMG). Once your application is approved, you will receive a scheduling permit via email containing your eligibility period, the 3-month window during which you must take the exam.

The next step is to go to the Prometric website and input your scheduling permit number as well as your first and last name. You will be given a list of available locations, and after you pick one, you will be shown the available dates for that location. However, before your application will be processed, you must pay a standard exam fee. Starting from January 2025, The examination fee for the USMLE Step 2 CK will be $1,020 for exam registration. There is also an international test delivery surcharge of $230, and should you need to reschedule, you can do so for a fee of $100.

Tips for scheduling

Planning and scheduling your USMLE Step 2 CK requires thoughtful preparation to ensure a smooth and stress-free process. The first step is deciding when to take the exam. Popular periods, like summer or dates close to residency deadlines, often fill up quickly. To secure your preferred eligibility period, submitting your application at least 6–8 weeks in advance is crucial, allowing time for processing and avoiding last-minute stress, especially if you are an IMG, as the ECFMG may take a few weeks to verify your documents.

Ensure all your documents are in order before applying. U.S. and Canadian medical students can obtain certification directly from their schools, while international graduates must coordinate with the ECFMG to verify their credentials. Ensure that your government-issued ID matches the name on your application to prevent delays with your application. Inconsistencies in your information will cause unnecessary setbacks and prevent you from writing the exam on your preferred date.

Financial planning is equally important beyond the exam fee, and you should also factor in potential additional costs, such as eligibility extensions or rescheduling fees. While you may not have a lot of choice, you should pick a location that will require the least amount of travel for you; this will allow you to cut costs on transportation and accommodation. Be sure to visit the location before the exam to ensure you have no issue reaching it. Choose an eligibility period that aligns with your study schedule and avoids major personal or academic commitments to maintain flexibility for unexpected delays.

Finally, CanadaQBank is an invaluable resource for optimising your preparation. It provides access to thousands of meticulously crafted, simulated multiple-choice questions tailored to the Step 2 CK exam. These questions cover a broad range of subjects, including internal medicine, surgery, and pediatrics, mirroring real exam scenarios. With detailed explanations and performance analytics, CanadaQBank allows you to pinpoint weak areas, refine your test-taking strategies, and build confidence. Its Timed and Tutor modes let you practice under authentic exam conditions or at your own pace, ensuring you are thoroughly prepared.

How To Pass the USMLE Step 2

How To Pass the USMLE Step 2

Students, or candidates, who wish to practice medicine or clinical sciences in the United States or Canada, are required to write licensing exams that would allow them to practice. One of these exams is the USMLE Step 2.

Acing the USMLE Step 2 exam is no small feat. As you might already expect, it’s much more difficult to pass than Step 1, and you need better preparation.  In this article, we’ll consider some tips for passing the USMLE Step 2 exam.

What Is The USMLE Step 2

The United States Medical Licensing Examination Step 2 tests both your theoretical and practical knowledge, to determine whether you are eligible enough to practice medicine within the United States and Canada.

The USMLE Step 2 exam assesses candidates on their knowledge in various aspects of the medical field they are specializing in, which is the main goal of the exam. While the USMLE Step 1 takes you through an array of medical topics, ranging from anatomy, physiology, biology, pharmacology, microbiology, and a host of others, Step 2 focuses on specific aspects of medicine, be it Family Medicine or Clinical Medicine, to test your knowledge and skills on this field.

USMLE Step 2 seeks to examine a student’s capacity and readiness to interact with patients in a clinical setting. So, it’s extremely important that you study the aspects of successfully applying patient care and health maintenance, diagnosis, and management before attempting to take the exam.

How Do You Pass The USMLE Step 2

Candidates who are preparing for this exam often have this question weighing down on their tongues and mind, as it is evident that the exam is not to be taken for granted. But for an exam that cuts across various medical topics, perceived to be difficult, studies have another thing to say about candidates’ performance in the exam.

According to a 2023 study, in the USMLE performance data, 99% of US/Canadian MD Degree (Doctor of Medicine) candidates pass their exams on the first attempt, with only less than 1 percent coming back for a repeat test. And for DO degree holders (Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine) candidates, 98 percent pass their exams on their first try, with only 2 percent coming back.

For non-US/Canadian candidates, 91 percent pass on the first attempt, with 62 percent taking a repeat exam and passing it. So, how do these candidates achieve this kind of feat? Well, the answer is not too far off.

Have a study plan

It is imperative that all areas of the test have been taken into light and studied to the point of being broken into small areas. This would enable you to make proper preparations and assessments on the kind of approaches that would be incorporated into tackling the questions you might meet on the day of the test.

Time, materials and discipline needed for the exam are the necessary ingredients you need to apply in order to have a chance at passing one of the ultimate exams in medical history.

Source for needed materials

Platforms and centers responsible for offering the examination have made materials available for students and candidates who want to sit for the test. Centers like the Medical Council of Canada (MCC) and Practice Ready Assessment (PRA) have all provided worksheets and study guides for students sitting for the exams.

These worksheets and study guides have been tailored to meet the student’s needs and expectations regarding the test, even though it might not be 100 percent the expected format. Students are advised to source question banks from trusted platforms like CanadaQbank, which have questions that could rest both their empirical and theoretical areas of practice.

Websites for these questions are always readily available and active for all candidates.

Practice with others in your field

Verily, there would be those within your area of study who would be sitting for the test, and looking for these people can prove useful to acing the exam. A small study group can be formed, and questions shared and answered collectively, further amplifying your chances of success. This is one of the ways students can get a better chance at doing well on the exams.

As it has been said, no man is an island on his own, a maxim often pushed around for figurative and didactic purposes. If one wishes to go far in what he knows, learning from others could be a great way to rein in what he already knows, adding to it.

This could be done through social media like Zoom or Skype, or even physical meetings, where everyone gets to share their knowledge with everyone, increasing their overall chances of success.

Practice the exam methods

While students are overly focused on passing the exam, many of them pay too much attention to the content of the test alone. The exam is not only designed to test your theoretical and cognitive skills but also your practical skills and how these skills can be utilized.

While the theoretical aspect is the largest part of the test, it is crucial to also practice how to be a good test taker. This typically means that a candidate has to be able to carefully read and think through a USMLE question and create a workable differential diagnosis before working through the answer choices as systematically and as methodically as he can.

Failure to do this could mean dire consequences for the exam taker.

What Is Your Score Expectations

There are different score expectations for the three exams a candidate should write. And yes, the USMLE is divided into three different parts, or rather steps, each with its own varying degrees of methods and approaches. But for Step 2, the score expected of a candidate is not something to be scared of.

As stated earlier, 99 percent of candidates in the United States and Canada pass their exam on the first attempt, which means a candidate is likely to score the required 210 marks expected of him or her.

The USMLE Step 2 takes 9 hours of exam time to complete, broken into two parts, and taken one hour at a time, with breaks in between. It comprises over 300 questions cumulatively, so it makes sense that 210 is the minimum you can score. However, the average score for the exam is 240, suggesting that a candidate should try and beat the minimum score as much as possible.

Want to learn how to pass USMLE Step 1 and the MCCQE parts? CanadaQbank is a comprehensive question bank that also simulates practical questions and scenarios prior to the exams, allowing you to understand the underlying concepts.

How to Score a 280 on USMLE Step 2

How to Score a 280 on USMLE Step 2

The USMLE Step 2 is an important examination, and the higher your score, the better. And exam prospects often ask, “How do I get that high score?” or “How do I plan myself to get a high score.” The truth is that there is no perfect way to score high in exams.

However, there are certain strategies you can employ to get up to 280 or any high enough score. In this article, we’ll explore all of them.

Plan when you’ll write your exams

Having a set plan will help you to prepare for your exams better. It’s always advisable to take the USMLE Step 2 about six months after finishing your clinical rotations. This is because you want the knowledge to still be fresh in your head.

In case your medical school follows a structure where Step 1 is taken after core rotations, it is advisable, provided you have the energy and stamina, to take Step 2 a few months after Step 1, as there is significant overlap in the subjects covered.

However, it’s important to note that the clerkship year can be physically and mentally draining, which may lead to burnout. If immediately diving into Step 2 preparation after completing rotations seems overwhelming, please take some time for rest and recovery by opting for lighter rotations before resuming intense study. Our brains absorb knowledge most effectively when we are well-rested, curious, and actively engaged rather than when we are tired, burnt out, and exhausted.

Using a good study guide

To excel on the USMLE Step 2 CK, it is crucial to approach clerkship year and shelf exam preparation with seriousness and dedication. Consider your clerkship year a valuable opportunity to establish a strong foundation in clinical practice.

Clerkship year significantly prepares you for USMLE Step 2 by allowing you to apply your medical knowledge to real-life clinical situations. This experience is invaluable because USMLE Step 2 focuses more on clinical aspects than Step 1.

We highly recommend integrating CanadaQBank’s Step 2 question bank into your study routine during the clerkship year, specifically for preparing for shelf exams. This approach enables you to go through the question bank gradually over one year and exposes you early on to the question style encountered in Step 2.

Remember that practice and repetition are key elements in your preparation. As you go through CanadaQBank’s Step 2 question bank for the first time, we suggest using flashcards to capture important concepts or points that you learn. Utilize apps like Anki to create your flashcards, as its style is ideal for long-term learning and retention. Ensure that each flashcard you create is concise and prompts a brief, focused answer.

Remain diligent in generating flashcards based on the concepts and insights you acquire from practice questions.

Create a study plan

It is essential to adopt a study approach that prioritizes mastering the high-yield material when preparing for the USMLE Step 2 exam. This content is highly likely to be tested, so dedicating time to thoroughly review it should be a central component of your study plan.

Focusing on high-yield material is an effective strategy as it allows you to identify any weaknesses and knowledge gaps related to this content early on. Additionally, this approach provides your brain with ample time to process and assimilate the information throughout your dedicated study period.

Once you have worked through the high-yield material, allocate the following weeks of your dedicated study period to address the identified knowledge gaps and delve into detailed material that may be less high-yield but still relevant to the exam’s potential coverage.

As you approach the final weeks of your dedicated study period, it is beneficial to revisit the high-yield content that you initially studied. This revisiting stage allows you to reinforce and solidify the knowledge you have already acquired while benefiting from your brain’s enhanced processing capabilities during this second exposure.

You can continue addressing any remaining knowledge gaps and observe how the pieces of information fit together.

By following this approach, you ensure that you thoroughly cover the high-yield material, address any areas of weakness, and reinforce your understanding of essential concepts, ultimately increasing your preparedness for the USMLE Step 2 exam.

Know when you need a tutor

While not every student necessarily requires a tutor for USMLE Step 2 exam preparation, there are potential advantages for every student in utilizing tutoring services. Specifically, if your practice exams indicate that you need to achieve a score increase of more than 20 points to pass and you have little time to prepare, tutoring can be particularly beneficial. Also, if you are aiming for a highly competitive specialty, incorporating CanadaQBank’s online tutoring into your USMLE Step 2 CK study plan may have its advantages.

Summary of tips for scoring high in your USMLE Step 2

  • Assess the time available until your exam and create a well-structured schedule for comprehensive preparation.
  • Prioritize the essential and frequently tested topics. Identify key concepts and allocate ample time to grasp and internalize them fully.
  • Select resources that align with your learning style and preferences.
  • Consider integrating flashcards into your study routine to enhance memorization and application of concepts.
  • Regularly evaluate your performance and identify improvement areas.
  • Utilize good question banks, such as CanadaQBank, to practice and familiarize yourself with the exam format.
  • Use the earlier stages of your preparation to build a strong understanding of fundamental concepts.
  • Engage actively with the study material by summarizing key points, creating mnemonics, or teaching concepts to others.
  • Simulate the exam environment using timed question blocks. This will help you familiarize yourself with the time constraints and train your ability to manage time effectively during the exam.
  • Maintain a positive mindset throughout your preparation. Approach each question and study session with determination and focus. Remember that every step you take brings you closer to your goal.


These tips are not cut and dry; instead, use them as guidance and adapt them to suit your own study style and preferences.

Remember, you always make use of our CanadaQBank’s question bank for access to countless resources.

Good luck on your USMLE Step 2 journey!

How To Pass The USMLE Step 2 CS

So you have your USMLE Step 2 CS date scheduled, and you’re starting to get a little bit nervous. Don’t worry, you’re definitely not alone! This is a pretty daunting exam, but with enough preparation and the right tips and tricks, you can definitely pass it with flying colors.

What Does The Exam Entail?

To start with, make sure you know what to expect on the day of the exam. The

USMLE Step 2 CS is a 12-hour test broken down into seven 45-minute patient encounters. You will be evaluated on your ability to take a medical history, perform a physical examination, and make a diagnosis.

In addition to studying the material covered in your first two years of medical school, it’s also important to practice your communication skills. The best way to do this is by scheduling mock patient encounters with either your friends or family members.

Finally, don’t forget to relax and destress in the days leading up to the exam. Spend time with your friends and family, go for walks, listen to music – do whatever makes you feel calm and relaxed. With enough preparation and planning, you can conquer the USMLE Step 2 CS!

What Is the USMLE Step 2 CS?

The USMLE Step 2 CS, or Clinical Skills assessment, is a 3-hour exam that tests your ability to interact with patients and collect their medical history. It also tests your ability to examine patients, order and interpret diagnostic tests, and provide treatment.

To pass the USMLE Step 2 CS, you need to be able to demonstrate your clinical skills and communicate effectively with patients. The exam is scored on a scale from 1-9, and you need to get a score of at least 7 to pass.

If you’re feeling intimidated by the thought of taking the USMLS Step 2 CS, don’t worry! This article will give you all the tips and advice you need to pass with flying colors.

Preparing for the USMLE Step 2 CS

Ready to ace the USMLE Step 2 CS? Here are some tips to help you prepare for the exam.

The first step is to make sure that you are familiar with the testing format. The USMLE Step 2 CS is an interactive exam, which means that you will be required to engage with patients. So make sure that you are comfortable with speaking to patients and taking medical histories.

The second step is to practice, practice, practice. It’s important to get as much practice as possible to become comfortable with the exam format. You can do this by practicing with mock patients or by attending simulation workshops.

The third step is to relax and stay calm. The USMLE Step 2 CS is a challenging exam, but if you stay calm and focused, you will be able to do well. Remember, it’s important to breathe and stay positive!

Strategies for Succeeding on the USMLE Step 2 CS

Now that you know all about the USMLE Step 2 CS, it’s time to put your knowledge into practice. Here are a few strategies to help you succeed on the exam:

     familiarize yourself with the test format and structure

     practice, practice, practice

     get plenty of rest and eat healthy meals

     arrive at the testing center early

     remain calm and positive throughout the exam

Score Breakdown for the USMLE Step 2 CS

Let’s go over the different components that make up your score for the USMLE Step 2 CS exam. Your overall performance is based on three things:

     Spoken Communication and Interpersonal Skills

     Patient Note

     Global Assessment of Functioning

Each category has a rating scale of 0 to 4, where 4 is a perfect score.

Your Spoken Communication and Interpersonal Skills score assesses how well you converse with standard English and if your patient interaction was appropriate and effective.

Your Patient Note score evaluates if the information you document is accurate and if you appropriately addressed any physical examination findings or laboratory results.

Finally, your Global Assessment of Functioning score determines whether you accurately identified the patient’s presenting condition(s) and made a correct assessment of their overall mental state and functioning.

Ultimately, these three criteria combined can make up your final USMLE Step 2 CS score, so it is important to focus on all of them!

Tips for Maximizing Your Score on the USMLE Step 2 CS

Maximizing your score on the USMLE Step 2 CS is essential for passing the exam. Here are some helpful tips to keep in mind. First, be sure you have a basic understanding of the test format. You’ll want to familiarize yourself with the exam, its components, and any relevant guidelines and regulations.

Second, practice! Make sure you’re comfortable with your knowledge and skill set before taking the exam. You may even want to take practice exams or take part in mock interviews with a qualified instructor. That way, you can test yourself and see how well you do ahead of time.

Thirdly, try to be as clear and concise as possible when answering questions or responding to scenarios posed by the patient simulator. This will help ensure that your answers are accurate and comprehensive demonstrate your knowledge of the subject matter, and boost your score on the USMLE Step 2 CS examination.

Use CanadaQBank to help you scale through your USMLE Step 2 CS

Common Mistakes to Avoid in the USMLE Step 2 CS Exam

When you take the USMLE Step 2 CS exam, it’s essential to be aware of some of the most common mistakes that can trip you up. These mistakes are surprisingly easy to make, so it’s important to be aware of them and avoid them at all costs!

First of all, make sure you don’t spend too much time on a single case. The exam is marked according to how quickly you finish the cases, but accuracy is still very important. Think of it like a balancing act—you need to complete the cases swiftly while still making sure they’re accurate.

It’s also important to avoid getting bogged down in details. Stick to the basics and focus on understanding each case holistically rather than spending too much time on minutiae that won’t matter in the long run. Finally, remember that practice makes perfect; make sure you read through past cases and come up with example answers before taking your exam.

FAQs about USMLE Step 2 CS exam

If you’re having a few questions about the USMLE Step 2 CS exam, you are not alone! Here are answers to some of the most common questions that many applicants have

How much time do I have to complete the exam?

You will be given 15 minutes to read and take notes on the patient’s history, 15 minutes to examine the patient, and 10 minutes to write down your notes.

Is it difficult to pass?

While it can be challenging, with enough preparation and practice, passing the USMLE Step 2 CS exam is doable.

How much does it cost?

The registration fee for the exam is $1,290.

Will I get feedback or a score report?

Yes! You will get an overall score that includes communication and interpersonal skills; Spoken English proficiency; History taking; Physical Exam; Data interpretation; Diagnostic formulation and therapeutic management; and Overall impression.

As long as you remain informed of all requirements and put in the necessary effort into studying for this comprehensive exam, you should be able to pass it with no problem!


So there you have it! It’s a lot of work, but if you follow the advice in this article and stay focused, you’ll ace the USMLE Step 2 CS. Best of luck, and we wish you all the success in the world!

Do you want to pass your exams with flying colors. Take advantage of our QBank, study guides, and access to our vast education resources at CanadaQBank!!

How CanadaQBank Helps You Ace the USMLE Exam

There are many exams you must pass to practice medicine in the US, and the USMLE is one of them. The United States Medical Licensing Examination is a three-step examination meant for those in the United States who want to practice medicine. These exams test your knowledge of what you’ve learned in medical school and whether you can apply them to a patient in line with the medical standards of the US.

Graduates and foreign graduates who intend to practice medicine in the United States can take the USMLE. CanadaQBank can help you prepare by helping you break down the process of writing this exam and give you practice questions specifically made for USMLE.

The Requirement to Take the USMLE Exam.

For US Candidates:

Applicants must either be medical students or graduates of a medical school licensed by the Liaison Committee on Medical Education (LCME) or the American Osteopathic Association (AOA).

For Foreign Candidates:

The medical school you graduated from must be listed in the World Directory of Medical Schools.

What does the USMLE exam entail?

USMLE has three steps – Steps 1, 2, and 3. You must pass these three steps examinations before practicing medicine in the United States.

Step 1

This is the first exam of the USMLE and will take a single day. This step tests your basic knowledge to apply what you’ve learned in medical school to clinical medical practice. The exam consists of Multiple Choice Questions created by the USMLE committee.

The exam is divided into 7 parts, each taking 60 minutes, 40 questions per block, and overall, 280 queries.

The questions range from medical courses like anatomy, Immunology, pathology, pharmacology, biochemistry, and physiology. CanadaQBank has all these courses covered in its QBank.

You must take the ECFMG (Educational Commission for Foreign Medical Graduates) before taking the exam.

Step 2

This is the second exam for the USMLE, and it takes 9 hours. This step is divided into 2: Clinical Knowledge and Clinical Skills. The Clinical Knowledge is similar to the first step in terms of eight blocks with 60 minutes each and multiple choice questions. This step assesses your ability to apply clinical knowledge and skills to your patient.

Each block won’t have more than 40 questions, making the entire questions less than 318. You have a 45-minute break time and 15 minutes of tutorial time.

Step 2 Clinical Skills differ from Clinical Knowledge as it’s not a written examination. You will need to see actual patients, assess them, take their history, and diagnose them appropriately during this step.

Step 3

This is the final step of the USMLE exam which is taken at the end of the first year of your residency. It lasts two days and will test your knowledge of patient management as well as ambulatory settings.

In this step, you have six blocks with 60 minutes each on the first day. The six blocks cover over 223 questions, and the exam lasts 7 hours.

On the second day, you also have six blocks but with 180 questions. The exam lasts for 9 hours. You will then proceed with 13 case simulations.

Pass your USMLE Exam with CanadaQBank!

Passing the USMLE is not easy, but worry not; CanadaQBank is here for you. With over 3000 classic simulated multiple-choice questions for you to choose from and 40 of the very best classic simulated Step 2 Clinical Skills cases, give you enough time and resources to prepare yourself.

It offers three modes that allow you to take the tests: timed, un-timed, and tutor. Not only that, but you also get answers and detailed explanations for each question.

CanadaQBank also allows you to review a detailed analysis of your test and your performance by subject category. You can also compare your scores with other users and get an upgraded exam interference for accurate simulation with normal lab values.

You can also choose how many questions you want to take in each block with your performance review by subject category. CanadaQBank updates its questions and explanation continuously to keep you updated with the latest information. Furthermore, you get access to our QBank 24/7 from anywhere worldwide.

For your step 2 Clinical Skills, the cases are written exactly the way they appear on tests, with each case covering a different topic from the subject areas tested. These cases also include brief questions and answers that could be asked for each patient scenario.

CanadaQBank ensures each step 2 CS case goes through an opening scenario, patient protocol, checklist, and write-up. Included in our QBank is a real template style for true simulation. Furthermore, the QBank for the USMLE Step 2 CS is free, and you can access it 24/7 from anywhere.

Passing your USMLE is guaranteed with CanadaQBank.

Subjects Covered in the USMLE exam by CanadaQBank.

Anatomy, Biochemistry, Embryology, Epidemiology and Biostatistics, Ethics, Genetics, Histology/Molecular Biology, Microbiology and Immunology, Neuroscience, Pathology and Pathophysiology, Pharmacology, Physiology, Psychology.


Here are some frequently asked questions about USMLE.

What is USMLE?

USMLE is the United States Medical Licensing Examination to test your ability to apply what you’ve learned in medical school to real-life scenarios in which you’re the attending doctor.

What does the USMLE consist of?

The USMLE consists of 3 steps. Step 1 is a computer-based exam that consists of multiple-choice questions.

Step 2 also consists of multiple-choice questions but assesses your ability to apply clinical knowledge and skills to your patient.

Step 3 tests patient management and ambulatory settings.

What is the best way to prepare for the USMLE?

To prepare for the USMLE, more than simply studying for the exam which is really good, we recommend practicing test questions as much as possible. This will allow you to test and develop yourself before the exam. CanadaQBank allows you to practice with more than 3000 MCQs. We’ve collected questions on many possible scenarios that may present to you as the attending physician.

What is the USMLE passing score?

There is no fixed passing score for USMLE, as they can change the score anytime. Visit their website for any recent information.


Getting licensed to practice medicine in the United States shouldn’t be hard as long as you pass your USMLE. But then, the USMLE is a tough nut to crack. But worry not; CanadaQBank got you covered. With over 3000 multiple-choice questions made explicitly for USMLE and over 40 of the very best step 2 clinical skills cases, you are guaranteed the confidence to remain calm and prepared.

Let’s help you get licensed to practice medicine and make your dream come true. Click here to get the advantages of our QBank.

USMLE Step 2 CK (Clinical Knowledge)

USMLE Step 2 Clinical Knowledge

The USMLE (United States Medical Licensure Examination) is a three-step examination meant to assess the ability of a physician to apply clinical skills and knowledge in the management of a patient in line with the standards of the United States. This exam is required for licensure to practice medicine in the US. It can be taken by graduates in the US or foreign graduates.

While the exam has three steps, this article focuses on the second step only – the USMLE Step 2 CK (Clinical Knowledge).

The USMLE Step 2 takes nine hours, and it is the multiple-choice part of the USMLE. It assesses your ability to apply clinical knowledge in a clinical scenario. Your ability to combine and use  your medical knowledge, understanding, and skills to provide patient-centered care is in question here. However, note that this exam only tests your theoretical knowledge. It tests your readiness to enter the medical practice as a supervised practitioner and not an autonomous one. Also, it is typically written in the fourth year of medical school, but this exam can help you get the best residency once you graduate, so you must take it seriously.

What Is the Exam Format?

This exam is taken in one day and is divided into eight 1-hour sections and taken under 9 hours. Each section of the examination will not have more than forty questions. Also, the entire questions in the test will not be more than 318. This means that you will have approximately only one hour of break. Nevertheless, the break will be a 45-minute necessary break and an optional 15-minute tutorial. You could choose not to take this tutorial if you went through it before the examination. This will increase your break to 1 hour. Also, if you finish one section before the allotted time, you can take a break in the leftover time. Get very with the test formats by taking our prep course at CanadaQBank.

Suppose you have a physical or health condition and require additional break time; in that case, you should complete the request form and submit it with a letter issued by a qualified healthcare practitioner, stating your medical need. For instance, include lactation and diabetes. These requests should be made prior to the examination.

USMLE Exam Content

The questions for USMLE Step 2 assess your knowledge of patient safety, legal and ethical issues, and professionalism. The exam includes questions set from an outline created by the USMLE. Be sure to read it before you start studying to get an idea of what is expected of you. This outline is structured according to all the organ systems in the human body. The questions are generally taken from 18 categories. The questions that focus on the organs are further divided into normal and abnormal processes.

Nevertheless, you should remember that not all 18 categories will appear in your exam, but that does not mean that you should not read every part. The exam will cover the following aspects of medicine: Obstetrics &Gynecology, Medicine, Surgery, Psychiatry.

Pediatrics, Behavioral Health, Biostatistics & Epidemiology, Blood &Lymph System, Immune System, Gastrointestinal System, General Principles of Foundational Science, Multisystem Process & Disorders, Musculoskeletal System, Nervous System & Special Systems, Respiratory System, Renal & Urinary System, Legal/ Ethical Issues & Professionalism and Cardiovascular System.

The pass mark for USMLE Step 2 is 209. Remember that the higher your score, the better the residency programs you get.

How To Apply for USMLE Step 2

Taking and passing USMLE Step 1 is a prerequisite for Step 2. Step 2 is more significant and more difficult, so do not rush into it. So how then do you go about scheduling your exams?

If you are in the US or Canada. Go to the NBME Licensing website and follow the instructions. If you are in a foreign country, go to the ECFMG portal and sign up through the portal.

Before applying for the exam, you will need to select a particular eligibility period that you want to write your exam. You do this by visiting the Prometric Website to schedule a test date. Once you complete your registration, a scheduling permit will be sent to you. This usually takes about three weeks.

If you have any problems because of a disability, the NBME provides some simple steps to follow such as filling out a form and emailing it to them.

Furthermore, while the exam may not be easy, they make it simple to reschedule. If you realize that you need extra prep time more than 31 days before your exam date, you can reschedule free of charge as long as you are rescheduling within your three-month eligibility period.

You can still reschedule within less than a month before the exam date, so there is no need to stress. But there will be fees accordingly. If you missed the exam within your eligibility period, you would still be able to reschedule. You will have to contact the USMLE to inquire about a one-time eligibility period extension which requires another fee. The cost of the exam is currently $645.

If you still do not take the examination within your original or extended eligibility period after all these processes, you will reapply by submitting a new application. This means you will start from the first step and pay new fees. The former payment you made will be rendered void as they are non-refundable and non-transferable.

You can take the USMLE Step 2 CK in test centers worldwide in Australia, Africa, and Asia.

Preparing for Your Exam

While preparing for your USMLE, Part 2, remember that CanadaQBank is here for you. The USMLE exam is no joke, and here at CanadaQBank, we make sure we give you enough preparation.

We have 3,989 of the best MCQ question for you to choose from. The MCQ covers several areas to be tested on. The tests can be timed and untimed and have a detailed analysis of the tests taken. It is also accessible anywhere in the world. Thus, you could take the tests from the comfort of your room.

You can click here to check out our affordable rates that go from $95 per month to $335 for a year’s worth of access.


USMLE Step 2 Test Prep Questions You Should Focus On

USMLE Step 2 Test Prep

Preparing for the USMLE Step 2 is a daunting task. There are so many questions in so many categories, it can be hard to know where to even start. Each scenario is different from the next, and since you can’t guess which questions you’ll be asked, it can be nerve-wracking to say the least. Here are some examples of particularly difficult USMLE Step 2 questions to study alone or with a group.

Which Screening Would You Recommend?

In this scenario, a man who is 48 years old visits his doctor for a routine checkup. He appears healthy and has no complaints. He weighs 203 pounds, is 5’ 8” tall, and has a BMI of 29. His blood pressure is 145/82, and his pulse is 92bpm. Upon questioning, the patient reports he does not drink alcohol, smoke cigarettes, or use any drugs, and he has had no chest pains, palpitations, or shortness of breath. The physician cannot find any abnormalities in this man’s exam, and his medical history is unremarkable. Blood tests reveal normal serum electrolytes, normal blood count, and normal cholesterol. Which screening test would you recommend for this patient?

Why Does This Patient Have Diarrhea and Fatigue?

In another case, a 54-year-old man comes to the emergency room claiming he has had diarrhea for two months. He says he is a lawyer, and he also notes fatigue, weight loss, and shortness of breath. He says he has lost 10 pounds over the last few months, and the symptoms are worsening progressively. He doesn’t smoke or drink, and he does not take any medications. His medical history reveals no related conditions or episodes. During the exam, his blood pressure is 115/75 and his pulse is 108bpm. The physician notes the patient’s skin is pale, and upon a neuro exam, it is revealed that he has a positive Babinski sign, spasticity, and a loss of vibration sense. Lab results are as follows:

  • Hematocrit – 26%
  • WBC – 3700/mm3
  • Platelets – 110,000 mm3
  • MCV – 116 um3
  • Reticulocytes – 0.5%
  • Serum lactate dehydrogenase – 650 U/L
  • Serum total bilirubin – 2mg/dL

What is this patient’s most likely diagnosis?

Why Is This Patient Losing Weight and In Pain?

Finally, in this scenario, an HIV-positive woman who is 45 years old comes to her doctor because she has been losing weight for a month, is experiencing pain when she swallows, and has substernal chest pain. She reports she is taking no medications. Her temperature is roughly 100 degrees, and her T-cell count is 41/mm3. An upper endoscopy is performed, and it reveals a large and deep ulcer in the distal esophagus as well as significant inflammation. A biopsy shows inflammation and small blood vessel endothelial cells along with large and smudged eosinophilic nuclei. Why is this patient experiencing pain and weight loss?

These are some of the toughest questions asked on the USMLE Step 2, and they provide a good indication of other questions you may encounter. The ability to accurately recommend treatments and diagnose these conditions will serve you well when it is time to sit for the real exam.