USMLE Step 3 Passing Score

The United States Medical Licensing Examination (USMLE) is the USA’s qualifying examination for medical practitioners. It is divided into three parts: Steps 1, 2, and 3, each with its own passing score. In December 2023, the USMLE Management Committee held a meeting to review the standard for passing the USMLE Step 3 exam, as it usually does every 3 to 4 years. The new standard came into effect on January 1st, 2024, so all candidates taking the exam after this date will be graded based on the new standard. At the end of this write-up, you’ll be up-to-date on the new standard and what you need to achieve it.

Revised Standard

The Managing Committee reviews the exam’s standard every 3 to 4 years. This revision involves inputs from:

  • Independent physicians who are unaffiliated with the USMLE and who participated in standard-setting panels earlier in 2023.
  • Results from different group surveys on the propriety of the present standard for the Step 3 exam.
  • Applicant performances together with other factors.

Based on all of these factors, the Committee has updated the passing score from 198 to 200. This review is to ensure that candidates who pass these examinations are equipped to provide effective and appropriate medical care once they start practicing without supervision.

Now, you may be thinking that with this higher passing score you don’t have a chance of practicing in the USA, but this article will alleviate any such doubts and fears.

Let’s review the exam’s structure and tips to help you ace it.

USMLE Structure

The USMLE is divided into three steps: Steps 1, 2, and 3. Each step is elaborated in detail on CanadaQBank, and note that passing one step is required to move on to the next.

Step 1 is based on your knowledge of the basic medical sciences, and it’s made up of about 280 Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) divided into 7 sections. The entire exam will take place for a span of about eight hours. This aspect is graded on a pass/fail basis to reduce candidates’ trepidation and stress.

Step 2 is to test your knowledge of the application of clinical skills and to ensure you can perform adequate patient care. It lays emphasis on promoting health and preventing diseases. It is made up of about 318 MCQs which will be divided into 1-hour portions, and the entirety lasts about 9 hours. The passing score for this examination is 214 out of a total of 300 points. Once you pass this aspect, you’re just a step away from being a licensed medical practitioner in the United States.

Step 3 is to ascertain your knowledge of biomedical sciences, diagnostic studies, medical ethics, and patient management, as well as many other criteria. The entire course of this exam is spread over 2 days, with 1 section of it on each day:

  • The first section is known as the Foundation of Independent Practice (FIP), which will test your knowledge of essential medical principles and sciences and their applications to achieve effective patient care. There are about 232 questions in this section that will be divided into six 1-hour portions for a total of about 7 hours.
  • On the next day, you take the second section, which is known as the Advanced Clinical Medicine (ACM). This section aims to evaluate your knowledge of health and diseases and how it applies to pathogenesis as well as patient management. This segment contains about 180 MCQs that’ll be broken into six 45-minute portions, together with 13 Computer-Based Case Simulations (CCS) for 10-20 minutes each. The total time for this section is about 9 hours.

This particular Step is especially explicit because passing it will signify your preparedness to practice medicine unsupervised.

As all of the steps take place over long stretches of time, you can rest assured that you will be given breaks between them to help make the entire process less tasking.

Now that you know the order of the examination, you should learn about tips that’ll make studying and revision less daunting.

Tips to Help Ace the Examinations

  1. Gather all necessary tools

One important tool to have is the official bulletin of information, which you will find on the official USMLE website. This bulletin contains information that will educate you on all of the modalities of the exam, including all of the criteria and information you need to apply for the examination. The website also contains lots of resources, such as recommended texts, which will help guide your studying and ensure you’re on track.

  • Self Assessment

The importance of self-assessment cannot be overemphasized, especially when it comes to preparing for medical exams. Fortunately, there are lots of self-assessment apps and websites, such as CanadaQBank, that you can subscribe to and get exam simulations in return; some of them are even free. This will help sharpen your time management skills and help you become familiar with the exam’s format. They also help you tailor the questions to your preparation level. For example, most websites come with features that can help you control the difficulty level of your questions, and more.

  • Practice Healthy Studying Habits

It is a known fact that you don’t begin to study for these types of exams only a few weeks or a month before you take them. This is so that you don’t put your body under a lot of avoidable stress, otherwise, you stand a high chance of falling ill, which can adversely affect your performance.

So, to avoid unnecessary pressure, start reading early, ensure you pace yourself, take adequate breaks, hydrate, and eat as much as you need to. Finally, remember that we all need help, so don’t hesitate to contact your mentors or colleagues if you need help with studying or a morale boost.


At the end of the day, your success is in your hands. Whether the passing score is increased or decreased, once you have put in the hardwork and covered your bases, you can be sure that your diligence will reflect once your scores are out.

Wishing you great success as you cross this hurdle. Remember that sites like CanadaQBank have resources that you’d find helpful.