To take the USMLE exam, you need to be strategic in your study approach to make sure that you retain the most important information. There are a lot of materials to cover, and it’s always smart to maximize study time and minimize information overload. The Anki USMLE Flashcards are a great way to study smart and efficiently.
In this article, we discuss Anki flashcards, how to use them effectively, and how they can help you streamline and optimize your studying.
What is Anki?
Anki flashcards are digital tools designed to help people, especially students, memorize and retain information. With this software program, you can create digital flashcards and use an algorithm to modify the timing of when you review each card.
How does the Anki Flashcard work?
On these flashcards, you could have a question or term on one side and its answer or explanation on the other. Using an algorithm, Anki predicts when you are most likely to forget the information on a card that you just viewed. So, it makes it easier for you. It simply presents the cards at intervals to help solidify the information in your long-term memory. This software is readily available for use on any smart device and will work great for USMLE candidates.
What’s the Best Way To Use Anki Flashcards?
When it comes to the USMLE exams, whether USMLE Step 1 or Step 2, it’s not just about what you study; it’s also about how you study. Here are the most effective ways to use Anki USMLE cards:
1. Create Your Custom Flashcards
When it comes to personalized learning, it’s smarter to make your own Anki cards. As you create the card, you actually engage the information rather than passively reading or listening to pre-made cards that the software has generated for you. You will find that this really helps you focus on topics in the USMLE syllabus that are most challenging and important to you. In the long run, what you have created yourself will linger longer in your memory.
2. Start Small
We hate to break it to you, but bigger isn’t always better. Starting your Anki journey with a relatively small number of cards prevents you from feeling overwhelmed or overloaded with information. For some people, the effect is that the motivation to study wanes almost immediately. Meanwhile, you can make things easier for yourself by determining what you’re comfortable with first; then, when you build a consistent study habit, you would be motivated enough to add more cards to your routine deck.
3. Dedicate Your Time
When you think about it, the most important key in using Anki flashcards is consistency. If you want to get anything out of Anki, you must prioritize it as much as your classes and in-depth study time. Start by deciding on a realistic number of cards or decks to review each day. Likewise, allocate a specific amount of time each day to use the cards. As your time affords you, practice in the morning when your brain is fresh and relaxed, later in the day during your free time, or at specific time intervals. The software is built such that if you don’t use it for a few weeks, there could be hundreds, if not thousands, of review cards waiting for you when you return. Trust us, that would be overwhelming.
4. Incorporate Multimedia
Even as medical students, learning does not have to be boring. Thankfully, the Anki software has ways to make things more exciting. The “Multimedia Support” feature allows users to add audio, video, and images to the cards they have created. While images will help clarify technical concepts, audio and videos can provide additional context to the information you’re aiming to learn. Learning this way is less boring for people who associate information with visual and auditory cues.
5. Test Yourself
To be honest, flashcards can be a little too convenient to use. It’s really easy to flip cards back and forth without challenging yourself in any way. However, you can change that with the “Cover” feature on Anki, which enables you to hide the answer on the back of the card. Then, test yourself by trying to recall the answer without turning the card. The more often you do this, the easier it is to retrieve information from your memory.
6. Try the Feynman Technique
This learning and teaching method by Richard Feynman is a smart and efficient method to identify gaps in what you have studied. Start by choosing a topic from the USMLE syllabus that you want to look at using your cards. When you have studied them enough, attempt to teach what you’ve learned to someone else, preferably somebody who knows nothing about medicine.
As you relay everything you have learned, be careful enough to identify the parts of your explanation that may be unclear. Those are the exact areas that you should make into new decks to practice over time. Continue to refine your understanding of these areas until you’re sure you can teach them in a more comprehensive manner.
7. Link Anki to All Your Devices
The great thing about this software is that you can access it anytime, anywhere, as long as you have a smart device. Like many other software, Anki allows you to link your devices to just one account and synchronize your decks. This just means that you can study your cards anywhere, any time, with whatever device you’re with at that moment. So, even if you lose a device, you’ll find your cards on the other and pick up right where you left off.
8. Retain All Decks
When you finish a deck, it can be exhilarating, but don’t be in a hurry to delete it. Nobody tosses out books when they’ve finished reading them, and the same should apply to your USMLE flashcards. Keep them even if you have mastered and memorized the subject; after a few weeks, you will have created your own personalized USMLE flashcards library. Furthermore, if you ever need to recollect a previously learned idea, the cards you saved will be easily available.
The most important thing about using flashcards is that it must never replace actual studying. This includes studying with books, question banks, and even virtual classes. Flashcards are great, but they were not designed to be used in isolation or as a replacement for thorough studying. Additionally, note that these cards may not suffice in areas such as Physiology and Pharmacodynamics because they contain complex ideas that a flashcard may not convey accurately.
As your USMLE exam approaches, question banks and other study resources are an effective supplement to your flashcards. CanadaQBank has hundreds of questions and useful materials spanning every necessary topic.